Sick of hit and miss hiring?  Not getting results with traditional recruitment methods? 
Learn how to take control of your hiring and attract great staff, honest staff, people who will help you run your business.

Oisín Grogan

Business growth specialist

(pronounced Oh-sheen)


My first business was commercial cleaning. When I started, I noticed a lot of business owners complained about staff and hiring.

They'd say “people are lazy”, “you can’t trust people”, “hiring is hard”…

Most of these people were struggling business owners. 

At this point, I decided to learn and master the skill of hiring productive people. There must be laws and processes to eliminate the guess work and I found them over years of study and practice.

There are basic principles of people. If you know these it’s easier to hire. If you don't you'll have constant trouble and upsets.

These laws are especially important, if you want to grow and build a business that works without you.
Decide to Learn & Master Hiring
The HELPP Hiring System is a proven coaching program which teaches you how to implement an effective hiring process in your business.  You get you better people at reduced costs, and faster.
HELPP stands for:

Hire , Effective, Like-minded, Productive, People
I developed it over 20 years, while building and consulting small, medium & large businesses. 

The principles have been used in over 50 industries. 

From retail, manufacturing, property, finance and IT.

Before now, it has never been available as a stand-alone program. 

It was part of my highly priced business growth programs ($100,000 plus). It has been one of the key ingredients in adding well over $200 million dollars in growth. You can see some of the results below.

  • Learn to see through the "mask" candidates put on before the interview.
  •  Attract and recruit productive people who will stay and not leave.
  •  Learn how to filter out lazy and destructive people 
  •  Take control of your hiring from recruiters who make a fortune whether the candidate works or not.
$200 million and counting...
Here's just a few examples of the results achieved.
Here's just a few examples of the results achieved.
Here's just a few examples of the results achieved.
"Before we had trouble attracting any people at all. We used to get very little response to our [recruitment] ads. Now the quality is very good.  We’ve hired 3 already!"
- Dramatic increase in quality candidates.
- Easier to find and hire reliable people.
- Now able to service the increasing deamnd with new delivery team. 
- Dramatic increase in quality candidates.
- Easier to find and hire reliable people.
- Now able to service the increasing deamnd with new delivery team. 
— Maureen King, Director Townview Australia
— Maureen King, Director Townview Australia

"This years’ new contracts are $21 million compared to $2 million last year, with our profits at 4 times what they were same time last year."

Result: Increased from $2M to $21M
Percentage Improvement: 1,050%
Timeframe: 12 months
Industry: Manufacturing
— Kevin Hooper, CEO Frontline Australasia

"... the monthly sales from our team has
grown by nearly 500%"

Result: Confidential :-) 
Percentage Improvement: 500% Increase
Timeframe: 24 Months
Industry: Finance
— Adam Nelson, Director Rate One

"... in June 2009 we received 50 leads, which would take us over three weeks to book and see. Now, we can book and meet 70 leads within one week. "

Result: Loan Value from $5M per month to $21M 
Percentage Improvement: 420% Increase
Timeframe: 6 Months
Industry: Finance
— Garry & Michael Pesochinsky, Directors Full Circle Financial Services
"... we have just had our best 4 weeks ever though many of my competitors are going out of business as 'retail sales are slow and the economy is not good.'"
Result: Sales increased from $17k per week to $35K
Percentage Improvement: 205%
Timeframe: 12 weeks
Industry: Fitness
— Marc Ricci, Managing Director Fitness Choice
"We have been able to double revenue and profits.
All in just 6 months."
Result: 100% increase in sales and profits
Percentage Improvement: 100%
Timeframe: 6 months
Industry: Property Investing
—Anthony Peluso, Managing Director, Dynamic8
What will I learn & implement?
The Correct Hiring Mindset
  •  How to still hire effectively when you are desperate for staff
  •  Are we hiring the right role? 
  •   How to identify the right person to fill the role? 
  •   How to get clarity on what person you are looking for? 
  •  Where do you find the right people?
    The Hiring Process
    •  The KEY parts of any hiring flow
    •  The best hiring process for your business
    •  Steps to add which increase quality of candidate while saving you time
      Writing Recruitment Ads
      •  How to write ads which attract the right candidates
      •  What not to put in your ads (brings the wrong people)
        •  The 3 things you need to look for and why ?
        •  Save 90% of your time looking through resumes/CVs
          How to Interview
          •  What questions to ask—that people can’t easily lie about
          •  The proper attitude for interviews
          •  The wrong questions most people ask (most people do this)
          •  How to cut through the “mask” and find out the truth—will they add value?
            Reference Checking
            •   Tips to find out what the candidate is really like on the job?
            •  How to spot if the referee isn’t telling the truth
            •  What questions the referee can/will answer?
              After the Hire
              •   How to quickly discover if it’s not going to work
              •  The first steps you must take to ensure the hire is successful
              •  What to look for during the probation period
                Everything you need
                It’s simple, easy to follow. It’s quick. 

                You don’t need to study for years, it takes hours to learn, and days to implement.
                I take you through all aspects of the HELPP Hiring System.  It's not theory, it's proven Knowledge. This knowledge is simple, effective and you can apply it immediately in your business.
                Private Coaching Portal
                Unlimited access to my Private Coaching Portal. (All staff can use it). Review the knoweldge as many times as you want.

                I've spent many years developing a system that replicates my successful one-on-one results-driven coaching method, so I could confidently provide these powerful programs no matter where you are located. The Private Coaching Portal makes that possible and you get full access when you join.
                Action Plans & Checklists
                Knowledge is useless without action. That's why I've broken down each step of the HELPP Hiring System into bite-sized parts, you can focus in on one part or implement each section in sequence from start to finish. Each part of the hiring system is laid out with checklists and the simple items you need to DO.
                It's always easier to create the documents you need when  you have something to start with. HELPP Hiring contains examples of job descriptions, hiring ads, interview questions, a checklists for hiring etc. Everything to make it easy for you to get good people.
                Full Coaching Support
                If you ever get stuck, need help with staff, run into a hiring issue you can't solve, you can reach out any time for help and support. As your coach and mentor I'm there if you need help.
                “I recently put Oisín’s hiring system to the test and it’s gotten some amazing results.

                Some of the people we didn’t think we could attract, all of a sudden came to us.

                I work with a lot of large groups and multi-nationals who always want high quality. It’s crucial I find high quality.

                It really did help.
                — George Hawwa, Founder Attention Experts
                If you answer “yes" to any of these below,  you need to apply and see if it will work for you.
                You don't know who to trust?
                Recruitment is costing you a fortune and not getting results?
                You are not happy with the quality of people being hired.
                Don't know where to find the people you need?
                Staff issues are slowing your business growth & expansion plans?
                You'd like people to stick around and not leave?
                Hard to attract the right people for the job?
                It takes too long to hire staff?
                You're stuck in your business, constantly putting out fires and feel like you're on a never-ending roller-coaster.
                Sky's the limit...
                The growth potential of your business is unlimited, however the truth is most businesses are operating at a fraction of their potential by not having their recruitment right.

                Imagine what you could get done if you had the right people on your team and helping you get there? By implementing HELPP Hiring System you'll be well on your way.  If you’re committed, I’ll help you get there. 

                But there a few criteria I look for before inviting a business onto my programs. I need to ensure you will get results. Register to see if this will work for you.
                The Cost of Poor Hiring
                Poor recruitment costs you and your organisation in many ways:

                1. Recruiters 10-25% of annual wage.
                2. Lost production (from hiring wrong people).
                3. Wasted wages (on the wrong people).
                4. Cost of on-boarding & re-training another team member.

                You know your organisation best and only you can calculate the true costs of poor hiring. Take action and reduce this cost.

                Just one great team member hired will generate a return on your investment. 
                Guaranteed to get results.
                I promise this system will work for you if you implement it. Check it out for yourself with a 30-day money back guarantee. 
                How to Apply.
                Complete the form.
                Schedule a time to have a chat and I'll ensure you & your business are ready.

                Note: If you're not ready yet, I'll give you tips on how to fine-tune your current business so you can be ready in the future, either way it will be worth your time.

                If you qualify, I'll invite you onto the Program and you can start.
                First Name
                Last Name
                Meet Oisín

                The $200 Million Business Coach

                In-demand business growth specialist, Oisín Grogan (pronounced Oh-sheen), has had his fair share of hard knocks in business. He knows what it is like to have debts, lack of sales and difficult staff.

                All of the challenges that you face as a business owner, he has personally experienced, but more importantly—all of these difficulties he has managed to conquer.

                Through intense study in business and management systems, combined with hard work, Oisin has built several successful businesses in many industries such as manufacturing, services and property.

                After helping everything from start-ups to public companies Oisín has created a unique track record of being able to grow and streamline all types of businesses.

                He applies an exact formula that works every single time. And it will work for your business too ... You just have to DO it!
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